I have a question. Does the game have a save option?
I know there is an option that says "Continue", but yesterday I beat Magma Dragoon and Colonel in Sky Lagoon, went to selection screen, lost to Slash Beast, and closed the game. The next day, I opened it, pressed "Continue" and started from Sky Lagoon again.
Thank you very much for your feedback. Currently, the pause function is still in the testing phase and has not been completed. Therefore, I have only created one screen for it. I plan to complete it in the next update.
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看了 TG 过来, 特意来膜拜的
What was added in the last update?
i love this game 10/10 one more thing your game is beast
I have a question. Does the game have a save option?
I know there is an option that says "Continue", but yesterday I beat Magma Dragoon and Colonel in Sky Lagoon, went to selection screen, lost to Slash Beast, and closed the game. The next day, I opened it, pressed "Continue" and started from Sky Lagoon again.
(1.0.0) 在第一關(Sky Lagoon)用完殘機以後畫面Fade out但是沒有繼續到任何選單或關卡重來。應該是現在的機制下,殘機用完要回到選三關畫面的關係?
I love this so much
Hi Shuhaji, I played the latest version and found out that the game crashed on Dragoon's cutscene. It might be caused by font or something else.
Pressing F1 allows you to change the language to English in the settings menu.
Thank you very much for your feedback. Currently, the pause function is still in the testing phase and has not been completed. Therefore, I have only created one screen for it. I plan to complete it in the next update.
Thanks for your reply. Also, I experienced FPS drop in the second stage.
It seems to be an issue with the development engine. I will do my best to improve it.